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Scroll down to see how I designed and developed a responsive landing page for Globuzzer:

Project overview


Time spent

2 days



Cups of coffee


Feedback on the project

“I have forwarded your site to our IT manager and received positive feedback”

- Jovita, from the Globuzzer team.

Tools used

Design process



The challenge

The Globuzzer team is experiencing rapid growth, they needed a modern web presence that meets their user goals and business goals. 

They reached out to me and asked if I could both design and develop a landing page for their users and business. They expected to see a product within two days.




Personas are always critical in any UX project, and this is no exception. For this project, we will follow Steve, and more importantly what his goals and frustrations are. This information will be helpful down the road when I start to build empathy for my core demographic.

Empathy map

Empathy map gives us an insight into what our users say, thinks, does and feels. It is a snapshot of how our user experiences the problem I am trying to solve, by grouping post-it notes we can get an overview of what kind of problem the user might encounter the most. More importantly, it gives me valuable user insight. This insight will pave the way for my design decisions.

User insight

Understanding my user

My user might want to travel to Scandinavia. But is unsure how to get the most authentic experience while being there.

How can my user know if they are safe in the country they are in?

Users know about Scandinavia, and what it is known for, but he is unsure if he wants to see the beautiful cities or nature.

Overall pain

After examining Steve regarding his behavior and thoughts on traveling. I realized that my user was experiencing two broader pain points. These pain points will be kept in the back of my mind throughout the whole process:


Steve needs reasons to travel, he needs motivation and reason to take the leap.


Steve needs guidance when he is in a new place. He would like to feel that he is cared for and sought after.

User journey

At this stage, I feel like I know Steve, what drives him, what his overall pain is, and more importantly what his goal is.

I use experience maps to improve a product that already exists. Because I have built empathy from my users, I can tell a story through their shoes. I always include their emotional state throughout their journey. This gives me insight so I know where improvement can be made.

This experience map is about Steve`s journey going from top to bottom on the old globuzzer site

Solving for pain

Now that I have gained valuable insight from the experience map, its time to relieve my user's pain, and improve the site. These pain points were the points that caused the most pain and should be prioritized.

Pain point

Design opportunity

How might we?

How-Might-We questions are a way to frame ideation, and often used for launching brainstorms. How-Might-We questions might prompt an array of fruitful ideas. The goal is to create questions that provoke meaningful and relevant ideas. These questions are supposed to meet both user goals and business goals.

How might we..



Sketches and interactions

Now that I got to know my users and what they need, it is time to sketch out potential solutions that meet user, and business goals. I was unable to produce high fidelity wireframes because of the short period of time I was provided with.


@media only screen and (min-width : 1224px)


@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) 


@media only screen and (max-width : 320px)






once user requirements were gathered, it was time for development. I decided to use Webflow.

Webflow is a tool for designers an developers that enable them to write clean code fast. Which was exactly what I needed on this time-boxed project.

This is also great for communicating ideas to developers going forward, I also use Webflow for prototypes.


It was amazing to see how my design brought value to this business. I was able to do this in such a short time span thanks to modern tools, and IBM design thinking. I hope that I have now designed and developed a site that matches the growth of the Globuzzer team and supports their business going forward.

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